All about event branding

All about event branding

The look and feel of events changed dramatically after March 2020 as organizations moved live events to virtual spaces. However, regardless of whether your event is on the web or face to face over the course of the year ahead, event branding is fundamental to make a noteworthy encounter for attendees.

That is nothing unexpected, in light of the fact that 91% of individuals have good feelings about a brand at the moment of joining events. Be that as it may, important encounters don’t occur arbitrarily — they’re the consequence of insightful event branding.

Regardless of whether you’re arranging an impending virtual gathering or open air get together, think about the branding behind your event. You need to think about your organization’s qualities and quintessence, yet plan an extraordinary, event brand that sticks out.

Let’s figure out how to create a strong and consistent event brand that will wow sponsors, attendees and accomplices!

event branding
Events which are a class apart

We bring events to life

What is Event Branding?

Before we dive right into what makes an extraordinary event brand let’s first understand what event branding is. At the point when an event is branded well, it takes on a unique kind of energy while keeping up with the quintessence or brand upsides of the association behind it. Event marketing offices accomplish this with a mix of advanced branding event applications, event site, email marketing) and on location branding (display stand, flags, badging, set and stage plan and so forth) Those that do it outstandingly well, add inventiveness, manner of speaking, in addition to a believed delegate insight to accomplish a must go to event.

Why does event branding matter?

A durable brand experience pays off. Consistent branding across all channels builds income by 23%, as per Forbes. Conveying a strong brand experience is compensating for your crowd and your business. 

Notwithstanding income, branding can affect a business multiplely. As indicated by Branding Mag, branding is significant and solid branding helps an association: 

  • Get acknowledgment
  • Increment in business esteem
  • Produce new clients
  • Further develop employee satisfaction
  • Makes trust inside the commercial center
  • Furthermore, solid branding upholds marketing and promotion

Past these significant advantages of a brand, there’s a less unmistakable motivation behind why event branding is like never before – convincing event branding makes the event experience that we presently generally expect. 

Allow us to repeat, brand experience is significant. With so many contending needs, brand and experience assume a major part in drawing in participants and keeping their consideration once you have it.

Digital Event Branding

This might be the period of live events (the Event Marketing 2019 report uncovers that live events address the absolute best marketing channel), yet one explanation is that events have become mainstream as there seems to be a direct result of how well they can function paired with digital marketing strategies.

Your event website, event application, online media and event email marketing efforts all address significant opportunities for succeeding (or coming up short) in imparting your association’s image. Here’s the ticket:

1. Website

A website is the center of an event, so it needs to make way for the brand. This is the spot to share data on the event’s purpose, dates, enlistment, speakers, patrons, product, and FAQs. 

It ought to be easy to explore and make individuals eager to join. This is by and large what the TechCrunch Disrupt site does; It’s direct, yet successful. Furthermore, the straightforward branding is lined up with the cutting edge style of inventive tech organizations.

event website preview

2. Marketing

Each event organizer’s bad dream is dull participation. To ensure your event is humming, put energy into marketing the event with web-based media posts, messages, and advertisements. 

For event branding, guarantee your messaging and imagery are strong across all channels. You need to offer your crowd numerous chances to find out about, pursue, and offer your event. 

billboard ad

3. Design

A strong marketing plan isn’t anything without a consistent design. This incorporates colors, logos, typography, photography, illustrations, swag, banners, and stage design.

play on set design

4. Swag

Event swag may appear to be pointless, with virtual events taking over face to face meet-ups. However, that is not totally evident. Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) gauges that special items are the best type of advertising across all ages, and more than 80% of special items are utilized for over a year. 

While branded items have been held under the fire for causing environmental harm, impractical swag isn’t the lone alternative nowadays. Advanced gift vouchers, online exercise class passes, free programming, and magnanimous gifts are for the most part environmental friendly giveaways. 

Try to discover swag that suits your event, so don’t search for stress balls and stickers in case you’re organizing a tech conference.

event swag

5. Videos

Video marketing has been on the ascent for as long as a couple of years, and the pandemic drove the requirement for video farther than at any other time. Wyzowl tracked down that the pandemic has affected how much video content 68% of buyers watched on the web, with 96% announcing an increment.

event video

Onsite event branding

Onsite events can be a decent option in contrast to virtual events. This kind of event is ideal for networking meet-ups, organization picnics, award ceremonies, or celebrations. Furthermore, on the off chance that you take the appropriate wellbeing insurances, participants will have a sense of safety and partake in the difficult work you put into the experience. 

There are a couple of interesting factors when arranging onsite event branding. Contingent upon the season and area, you may have to climate verify the event. Signs and standards need to confront conditions, and individuals need a spot to get away from the heat, cold or downpour. 

Take advantage of these open air peculiarities to make exceptional branding moments. Set up a lot of spaces for little gatherings to suspect that you have a great time for individuals to connect with your brand. To keep individuals socially separated, consider branded floor decals to check appropriate distance or give groups different colored wristbands to urge individuals to remain together.

onsite event

Hybrid Events

A hybrid event is a tradeshow, gathering, unconference, course, studio or other gathering that joins a “live” face to face event with a “virtual” online part. 

With the developing fame and cost-adequacy of virtual events, hybrid events have become a mainstream method of expanding interest in conventional events for a somewhat minimal price. They likewise empower interest by individuals who may not be able to go genuinely because of movement or time region limitations or through a wish to decrease the carbon impression of the event. The open, participatory nature of unconferences (e.g., Barcamp) and their emphasis on sharing substance, makes them hybrid events as well. 

By and large, the virtual segment includes an online portrayal of the live occasion. For instance, online members may approach: 

  • Live stream of featured experts or studios close by their presentation material (e.g., by means of Ustream, Livestream, Eventials, Sonic Foundry) 
  • Online presentations (going from webcasts to sharing of content by means of SlideShare) 
  • Hybrid event webcast with synchronized slides close by the live and chronicled webcast video presentation
  • Creation of a live editorial or record of proceedings (e.g., through Wthashtag, CoverItLive) 
  • Online chat or discussion forums (e.g., through Pathable or moreconference) 
  • Live blogs
  • Event photographs (e.g., by means of Flickr) and video (e.g., through YouTube, Vimeo, Qik) 
  • Incorporation of other social media devices like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. 

Arrangement of web access, for the most part by means of free Wi-Fi, is ordinary at hybrid events. Just as permitting an actual event to contact a more extensive crowd, these online instruments likewise give a way to actual participants to interact with one another, with the event coordinators and with online members, and for online members to collaborate with one another. A few events have included ‘TwitterWalls’ (made utilizing applications, for example, Twitterfall) where Twitter remarks about the event are imparted to physical participants. 

Event content can likewise be recorded and made accessible online to cultivate further conversations after the event has finished, form an information entrance for event members, and assist with promoting the following year’s event by sharing features from the current year.

hybrid event

Key takeaways and best practices

Regardless of the event type, fostering a decent brand strategy will help you plan and advance your event all the more adequately. 

To integrate everything, here are some last things to remember. 

  • Consider the brand guarantee of the event and fuse it into planning and informing. Ensure that it’s novel, significant, legitimate and steady across each participant touchpoint.
  • The more a brand guarantee reverberates with event participants, the more they’ll become tied up with what your event decides to convey.
  • When planning your event branding, what are the fonts, colors, logos, and subjects of your event? Guarantee that these are additionally reliable across web-based media, sites, the event application, email and bulletin advertising, promotional giveaways, set and stage configuration, identifications, standards, and all event collateral?

At long last, don’t go at it alone. Share the event branding with backers, speakers, and different groups inside the organization and propose signed up special plans to guarantee that you are taking advantage of their wide networks.


All about event branding

All about event branding

Event Branding just hearing this can make anybody wonder what really goes behind creating a branding for an event… Check out our latest guide where we cover what event branding is, its benefits, its elements and all that there is to an event. Lets get started!

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