What's missing in your promotions

What is missing in your google adwords campaigns in 2020?

Finger pointing depicting the fact that we are the brand

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What about buyer decisions?

The BUYER is more powerful than ever before with the advent of market research and the internet. They are well aware of what your actual offerings are and hence know what exactly you are capable of. What is happening in the current market scenario, especially in a post COVID19 era!

Approximately 93% of consumers have discontinued interactions with a business or a company because of persistent and irrelevant ads & promotions.

74% of the businesses are likely to change the vendors if the purchasing process is more difficult.

51% just leave the business just because of one negative experience.
What matters more now?

Service – 90% people are going to stay with the business because of great service experience, they are more likely to become your repeat customers

Word of mouth – 77% shared positive reviews in their networks and review websites

To market to your business better you have to move away on banking heavily on just SEM, you need to move towards knowledge sharing, search engine optimized blog posts, product reviews, sales reps, technical sales consultants customer service reps.

]What matters today is to create a pull-through knowledge and a proactive mentality to put an experience out there.

If your aim is to just push information, it might not work for all expect for a few cases.

Remember pull is always better than the pull!

If you choose to share information, then one thing that you need to keep in mind are STOP WORDS.

Stop words are words that impact your page word count and search engine visibility

Stop words are fillers that make, up to 22% of any article on the internet. When you use your focus phrases, you will always get an error on how you should skip them in your search engine focus keywords.

Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin, then you will surely have seen the term “stop words”. The stop words are all those words that are filtered out and do not have a meaning by themselves. They are usually articles, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, etc.

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